Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Workout Withdrawals

Ever experience a downward spiral when you are faced with a situation where you can't get a workout in, or perhaps aren't feeling well enough to do so? For me, once I'm off my schedule for 2 days, my thinking starts to change. I try to justify my lack of workouts and start allowing for missing more, or eating bad.

This past weekend I took a jaunt to NYC. I was busy with work before I left and some obligations forcing me to skip 2 work outs. Granted, I did a lot of walking in NYC (thank goodness), but it wasn't the same. I had also eaten poorly, and did something I normally don't do .... DESSERT! Oh that luscious sugar. I eat very little sugar normally. But I was "on vacation" - Almost immediately I noticed a change... I was letting my "excuses" for eating this way seep into my brain so that by the time I got home Sunday, it took EVERYTHING I had to convince myself to workout. And it was sloppy. My heart wasn't into it.
Next day (Monday), tried to get back into the swing of things with a morning workout - again SO sloppy - and that night, too, I was up late, ate sorbet and lots of sushi (plus Sake) I had gone to a concert.
So Tuesday happened... CRASH - I was tired, had been eating poorly, my workouts very blah - my attitude was in the toilet, I was angry, upset, and my schedule kept me from working out in the morning - and of course had no energy at night to do one either. I was fighting with people and was at my wits end. So upset. But I did go to bed extra early, had every intention of getting my schedule back in line. Something was definitely wrong.

Wednesday morning - I forced myself up and to do Get Lean Intervals w/Chalene Johnson - a pretty intensive internal training routine. She always has a way of making me motivated to get through it, even when I start out sluggish. Needless to say, here I am now, I feel great, more energy, better attitude. I realized something, my body likes my morning workout schedule; it likes to work hard. When I skip workouts, it sends all sorts of wrong signals in my body like a heroin addiction. I can't believe what a different perspective I have today!

Even though I did kinda blow it with my diet and exercise this week, I know its not going to impede my results as long as I get back on track.

Here's to a workout addiction! Can't say it's a bad addiction to have. It keeps me grounded and focused, and in my job/life - I need it!

I highly recommended Chalean Extreme workouts - - Chalene Johnson is my hero! Thanks for the motivation! Muscle burns fat!

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