Monday, April 13, 2009

My Shakeology Arrival

Not only is today my birthday, but today marked my trial of Shakeology! What a pleasant addition to my day, finding the box on my doorstep this afternoon! And to think that I might have considered eating something as bad as Chinese food for dinner (well it IS my birthday) - No, instead I have some kind of guardian health angel that KNOWS when I want to eat bad. SO anyway - he wins and I decided to immediately make a shake for supper. (I'm sure my husband would have much rather the Chinese food, but I'll make him a hot dog and he'll be happy)

I wanted a true test, not one of the "doctored" up recipe versions - I want to see if this shake really was going to tickle me where it counts. Ok well if it actually does that, then I might marry the shake (sorry hon!)

I have the Chocolate Flavor first (if I really dig the chocolate - then I'll get the greenberry too for fun... I mean - I can't not try it too right? ) So I pull out the blender, drop some ice, add my 8 oz water - my scoop of Shakeology - say my magical incantation (who doesn't?)... and viola - fun in a cup.

I must admit my first sip, I was like "hmmm, I can taste the earthy-ness, like chocolate grass". But it wasn't a bad earthyness and that taste actually subsided by the second sip. It has a deep cocoa taste, more toward a dark chocolate flavor rather than a typical sugary meal replacement chocolate shake. Ok so I like it... I REALLY like it. AND that's just the taste part of it.

I'm going to post the link to the ingredients of this shake. Its AMAZING! I can't believe all the nutrients and vitamins this has in it. It more than justifies the cost of it. At around $4.00 a day, it definately is the best and most complete (nutriously) thing you will put in your body all day. I'm soooo excited that I like it. Now I can't wait to report on the wonderful different recipes!

I've just finished the rest of the shake, and I feel satisfied. Its only 140 calories, but it reminds me of the Willy Wonka meal gum - the one that turned the girl into a blueberry blimp - getting all those nutrients in one shake. Did I mention how excited I am about this new shake?

Here is the website for more information:

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