Saturday, March 28, 2009

Creating a Healthier World

As I contemplate this first article of my blog, I realize one truth. I want to create a healthier world. I've done an a lot of research about personal health and fitness, yet I feel like I've only skimmed the surface on all the schools of thought out there. So in this beginning, I'll focus on what I'm doing in my life as I go through my own health adventure.

One of the latest reads I've done is the e-book on Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle. This book has been a wealth of information on how to eat when you are on path to body building and fat loss. It neatly combines all the formulas for BMR, ratios of carbs, proteins and fats (depending on your goals), evaluation of body types etc... all to give you a better understanding of how your metabolism really operates. I had the discipline to calculate all these figures out, but find that I need to make adjustments constantly as I learn what works and what doesn't work for my body.

I've been working out with Chalean Extreme, from - I'm about 2.5 months into the 3 month program, and I've had some good results so far. I like that I have a constant routine to follow; it keeps me focused. Of course, I realize that I have far more definition that I can get and far more fat to burn. After years of working out haphazardly and a poor diet, I shouldn't have thought 3 months would turn me into a model. But during this program, I've evaluated my diet like never before! One of the hardest parts to get used to is balanced eating every 2.5 - 3 hours. I'm getting better at it, but lack a lot of creativity in my meal choices. Especially making meals every morning for the whole day - takes time to be creative, which I usually don't have. Also getting more protein into my diet and less carbs was difficult. I was a vegetarian, but the mass amounts of weight lifting with limited results, made me realize that I'm not getting enough protein to sustain the muscle. So now I've slid chicken back into my diet. And bingo! The weight started falling off and more definition in my muscles. I think thats amazing.

I'm doing this program without supplementation (besides multivitamins). For myself, I really don't want to add chemicals to my body other than vitamins to enhance the fat burning. I'm all about being natural. I want to see how far I can go this way.

Thats it for now, stay tuned for more...

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